Campus Call for Free Expression

The Institute for Citizens & Scholars Campus Call for Free Expression is a commitment by a diverse group of college presidents to urgently spotlight, uplift, and re-emphasize the principles of critical inquiry and civic discourse on their campuses. The Campus Call is centered on a coordinated set of presidential and campus activities focused on free expression that collectively amplify higher education’s role in preparing young people to be the empowered citizens our democracy needs. 

Launched in August 2023, the Campus Call was a separate project under College Presidents for Civic Preparedness. Now, Campus Call has been incorporated into the expanded phase of College Presidents for Civic Preparedness, which brings together college presidents who are committed to addressing the challenge of ensuring today’s young people are well-informed, productively engaged, and committed citizens. Moving forward, all members of the consortium will endorse the principles of free expression on their respective campuses.

Interested in joining College Presidents for Civic Preparedness? Email Raj Vinnakota.